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Connors Team

Connors Team

Robert J. Cagliola, CFA Robert W. Hahn, CFA Brian G. McCoy, CFA

Recent Posts by Connors Team:

by Connors Team, on May 21, 2024

On Wednesday April 10th, 2024, Connors hosted our quarterly update webinar with Robert Hahn, CFA, Robert Cagliola, CFA and Debora Covell, CRPC®. During the webinar, we covered the Connors Covered …

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by Connors Team, on July 31, 2023

On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, Connors hosted our quarterly update webinar with Robert Hahn, CFA, Robert Cagliola, CFA, Brian McCoy, CFA and Debora Covell, CRPC®. During the webinar, we covered …

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by Connors Team, on May 22, 2023

On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Connors hosted our quarterly update webinar with Robert Hahn, CFA, Robert Cagliola, CFA, Brian McCoy, CFA and Debora Covell, CRPC®. During the webinar, we will …

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by Connors Team, on March 01, 2023

On Tuesday, January, 15th 2023, Connors hosted our quarterly webinar with team members Debora Covell, and Robert Hahn, CFA , Robert Cagliola, CFA and Brian McCoy, CFA... During the call, …

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by Connors Team, on March 01, 2023

On Tuesday, November 15th 2022, Connors hosted an introductory webinar with President Peter J. Connors and Portfolio Managers, Robert Hahn, CFA , Robert Cagliola, CFA and Brian McCoy, CFA... During …

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The link below provides an introduction to Connors and our Flagship Investment Strategies. In addition, our quarterly updates are provided in the table below.

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