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Portfolio Manager Commentary


by Robert Cagliola, CFA and Robert Hahn, CFA, on April 01, 2023

“No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow.” Following a volatile 2022, the preceding English proverb comes to mind. The first quarter started strong out of the …

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Topics:Income and Growth Comments

by Robert Cagliola, CFA and Robert Hahn, CFA, on October 23, 2022

The third quarter is best summed up by the famous Dickens quote from A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times” …

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Topics:Income and Growth Comments

by Robert Cagliola, CFA and Robert Hahn, CFA, on July 23, 2022

The second quarter was marked by exceptional weakness as the S&P 500® declined by 16.4% with very few places to hide. For the first half of the year, the index …

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Topics:Covered Call CommentsIncome and Growth Comments

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